
Paul’s Idea of Community: Spirit and Culture in Early House Churches is unavailable, but you can change that!

This highly readable investigation of the early church explores the revolutionary nature, dynamics, and effects of the earliest Christian communities. It introduces readers to the cultural setting of the house churches of biblical times, examines the apostle Paul’s vision of life in the Christian church, and explores how the New Testament model of community applies to Christian practice today....

(Rom. 14:20–23). The “strong,” among whom Paul counts himself, have to be particularly sensitive here (15:1). But when, by insisting that circumcision and observance of the law are obligatory for gentiles, Jewish Christians turn a matter of lifestyle into a criterion of salvation, legalists must be shown the error of their ways.21 Or when the pursuit of different lifestyles prevents Jewish and gentile believers from sharing a common meal together, a trap into which both Peter and Barnabas fell, hard
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